How to Use head count in a Sentence
head count
That came after Zoom had tripled its head count in two years.
—Amanda Hoover, WIRED, 8 Feb. 2023
And there were plenty of to-be-sures and caveats attached to that latest head count.
—Mark Z. Barabak, The Mercury News, 21 Jan. 2025
Chefs are given a head count at the beginning of the evening, at peak time and near the end of dinner.
—Nathan Diller, USA TODAY, 21 Mar. 2024
The key to this dramatic change has been trimming head count.
—Thomas Lah, Forbes, 25 Oct. 2024
The company is not adding to its head count in order to run the facility.
—Talia Soglin, Chicago Tribune, 19 Sep. 2023
Meet the women of the 118th Congress The presence of more women on Capitol Hill has affected more than the head count.
—USA Today, 17 Mar. 2023
Its slate has not ramped up, the company hasn’t expanded in head count or office space.
—Brian Welk, IndieWire, 4 Oct. 2024
Some crew members also did a head count for their sections, but did not tally the numbers up across the aircraft.
—Rachel Pannett, Washington Post, 12 Dec. 2023
By contrast, the shelter count is a head count gathered directly from the shelters.
—Doug Smith, Los Angeles Times, 29 June 2023
Soon after a company decides to cut its head count, the debate begins: Who should go?
—Chip Cutter, WSJ, 26 Mar. 2023
The DeSantis campaign had swelled to more than 90 staff members in its first two months—meaning these recent cuts amount to more than a third of the total head count.
—Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani, The New Republic, 25 July 2023
His escape went undetected for more than an hour until guards took a head count.
—Maryclaire Dale and Marc Levy, Anchorage Daily News, 12 Sep. 2023
It should be noted that when the event is at a restaurant, or catered, as a wedding may be, some people make the mistake of thinking a head count is not important.
—Jacobina Martin, Washington Post, 3 Oct. 2023
Mayer would take a head count and personally run over and buy tickets during lunch.
—IEEE Spectrum, 30 Mar. 2012
Henderson was always the rudder, the one to keep a head count, never letting his teammates divide up.
—Luca Evans, Orange County Register, 31 July 2024
Avianca's employee head count will grow by some 1,200, Neuhaser added.
—Fox News, 7 Sep. 2023
That doesn’t include further head count reductions and layoffs this year.
—Michael Wayland,robert Ferris, CNBC, 18 Oct. 2024
About six dozen smaller cities, towns and villages have challenged their head count through two Census Bureau programs.
—Mike Schneider, ajc, 17 Feb. 2023
About six dozen smaller cities, towns, and villages have challenged their head count through two Census Bureau programs.
—Mike Schneider,, 17 Feb. 2023
The operator of the USD Coin stablecoin plans to boost head count by up to 25% this year as many other crypto businesses cut staff.
—Wsj Staff, WSJ, 22 Feb. 2023
This year's freshman head count is similar to last year's, although transfer students are down 4%.
—Ryan Anderson, Arkansas Online, 1 Oct. 2023
Instead of lining up for a head count or responding to a roll call, legislators now had only to press a button.
—James D’angelo, Foreign Affairs, 16 Apr. 2019
Circle, operator of USD Coin, plans to boost head count by up to 25% this year as many other crypto businesses cut staff.
—WSJ, 24 Feb. 2023
The company said its head count reductions have stemmed from less hiring and attrition.
—Chicago Tribune, 31 Aug. 2023
The 2020 census was the first time in the nation’s once-a-decade head count that administrative records were used to fill in gaps about households with missing information.
—Mark Schneider, Fortune, 27 Mar. 2023
Lucido, as a state senator a few years ago, pushed for Michigan's bail reform to include another way to reduce the head count in jails.
—Bill Laytner, Detroit Free Press, 14 Nov. 2024
Cavalcante was gone for nearly an hour before his absence was noticed during a head count.
—Christopher Cann, USA TODAY, 8 Sep. 2023
Students' semester credit hours this fall are up 1%, although head count is down 1%, according to UALR.
—Ryan Anderson, Arkansas Online, 1 Oct. 2023
As a result, payments providers are scrutinizing budgets, and some have reduced head count.
—Greg Cohen, Forbes, 20 Apr. 2023
McKinsey is also reducing head count by about 2,000 jobs, one of its biggest culls ever.
—Bloomberg Wire, Dallas News, 21 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'head count.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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